Dear Mrs. Larue

Hi. My name is Harley. Ike from Obedience School and I were good friends. We met when we were trying to escape from Obedience School.We were climbing the fence of Section A: Entrance. The doors were locked for the night, so we had to climb the fence. We were caught by the guards and they came after us. Ike and I hid by a bus stop, and they ran past us. We waited for a Taxi or a bus, and eventually a bus showed up. We got in and waited for 2 days to get to our stop, then we got out. We walked around for a while, then Ike just took off running. He jumped on a old lady just as a 18-wheeler drove by. Then there was loud clapping and cheering. The I noticed that Ike saved her life.


Image result for marshmelloImage result for marshmelloImage result for marshmelloImage result for marshmello
Marshmello is a famous DJ known worldwide for his music.He is a fortnite skin with his own glider,pickaxe,and loading screen even gamemode. He also males music with other people such as Chvrches, Bastille, Maroon 5, Cardi B. He wears a Electronic mask->Image result for marshmello He is Creator of 37 songs. We are different in just one way:Fame. We are the same in lots of other ways. His name is Chris Comstock, And he is my favorite music producer.Maybe he is your favorite music producer too. If you have never listened to him, listen to it. You might like his music.

Yellowstone NP winter use of transport

Old faithful is a extremely attractive giuser in Yellowstone National park. It made Yellowstone start
from virtually none to over 140,000 a year. Now its a huge problem. More people are going there each day. Its extremely crowded now, so they need more snowmobiles. The more snowmobiles, the more Air pollution and noise. The more noise the more animals get scared. Some animals like bears will hear the noise and attack them. the more air pollution the more trees die. If the trees die The less shelter and food there is for animals. We need to fix this snowmobile problem. My suggestion is the use more advanced snowmobiles so it makes less nose and air pollution and people will still have quick ways to get around.


it is important to help others because imagine a world where people would get along. I do what Martin Luther King Jr would’ve done if he was still alive. His day should’nt be a day off. it should be a day on.

Midnight Ride

Image result for midnight ride photos

April 18, 1775
Minute men were people who could act at a minutes notice

It wasn’t only Paul Revere who rode, two other men named William and Dawes did as well

Paul’s mission was to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams the British were coming

once he got into town he said: “The British are coming!”

Paul hung two lanterns, which meant the british would come by land

Locations:lexington, Concord
